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Funkce chodidla: základ lidského pohybu (České titulky)

Chodidlo je nejen nejsložitější biomechanická struktura v lidském těle, ale je také nejdůležitější pro lidský pohyb, protože zajišťuje stabilitu, pohlcuje nárazy a umožňuje odraz. Tato videopřednáška vám představí základní principy toho, jak chodidlo funguje, vysvětlí, jak se funkce chodidla s nedostatečným pohybem, věkem a špatnou obuví zhoršuje a jak ji lze pomocí nápravných cviků a funkční obuvi obnovit.

Coming soon with Czech subtitles: Foot Function and the biomechanics of running related pain

Competitive and recreational running has been one of the most popular forms of exercise in the world since the 1970s and its popularity is still growing along with the number of people suffering from running related pains and injury. The foot is the beginning of a biomechanical chain that provides stability, shock absorption and propulsion during the ground contact phase of running. Any dysfunction in the foot must be compensated for further up the chain: the ankle, knee and hip which are the most commonly cited areas of the body to suffer from running related pain.

This video lecture will provide coaches, trainers and runners with a basic education in running biomechanics, foot function and running shoe design and the role these factors play in both the cause and cure of running related pain.

A must for every runner interested in injury prevention and pain-free running.